Responses and consequences of 2008

Hello all,

I was just watching a video set with Mark Blyth and another economist on the response to the economic crisis. Since it has been more than 10 years I have a few questions. Specifically about a video regarding this topic.

First could someone explain everything in more laymans terms what is going on in this 4 part series it would be appreciated. Please watch all 4 parts before responding.

Part one: Part two: Part three: Part four:

I have some questions about these videos

  1. Considering my very limited knowledge why the heck are banks now going back to what they did before? ie: low interest home and auto ect.

  2. If all the central banks are now connected what implication does this have if one fails?

  3. I am a little anxious about our future since it seems if I understand everything in the videos we are on track to either a economic or political collapse (revolution) very soon. Am I just being a chicken little?

  4. How can I protect myself (Fiscally) or help prevent all this from repeating it'self?

  5. Why is nobody talking about this in the main stream?!?!

  6. What system's if any do we have in place to stop another collapse such as the one in 2008 and if so what parts are those two economists missing that would make them considered alarmist?

You can ignore some of these questions if I misunderstood some of the points in the video?

This is a lot I know but thank you ahead to anyone willing to respond to this.

Original post here -+- Economics For Your Momconomics on eBay!!

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